Allen Schwartz
Porsches owned: 1
Current car: 2005 Base Boxster
In the spring of 2014, my health was rapidly deteriorating from a chronic health condition; when I was 28, I contracted a dangerous virus while caring for a patient in a hospital. I was now 66, and my condition was worsening each month. I needed a medical miracle, but at my age, it was unlikely that one would materialize. So I decided to activate my bucket list! I’d always admired Porsches, but I had been too busy with my career and family to indulge. Yet it was now or never. With the help of my German auto mechanic (he’d been caring for my 2007 BMW for years), we found a mint all black Boxster that seemed perfect. Once he helped me get over my IMS epic fail worries and had checked it stem to stern, I bought it with his blessings on July 4th! At the time, I knew nothing about PCA, Autocross, or DE, and just imagined I’d be taking pastoral drives with my wife, top down, breathing in the life I had remaining. Well, I joined HCP simply to learn about my car, and soon my new club friends had me doing AX, and then DE; by that October, I was driving laps at Watkins Glen! As my condition became critical, an unexpected opportunity presented itself the next spring that allowed doctors to perform a life-saving procedure. It reversed my condition, and I was cured! By the fall of 2015 I was healthier than I had been in a decade. Now I’m deeply appreciating my new relationships and driving passion, and continuing to learn about my car and myself. Sometimes I fantasize about upgrading in a few years. But I have my reservations—my beautiful 2005 Boxster was my salvation, and it could never be truly replaced!
Editor’s note: If you’d like to share your story, send it over to me in 150 words (or less) at and I’ll post for as long as they roll in. If you’ve got a photo of your first, by all means, do share!