Over forty HCP-PCA members gathered for May’s monthly dinner meeting at German Auto Parts in Halfmoon to socialize, catch up on club news and to hear owner Mark Davidson describe what German Auto Parts has to offer to club members.
The news delivered by the Club’s Board and committee chairs was good: finances are sound, membership continues to grow with seven new members in just the past month, and the Club continues to offer activities that appeal to a broad swath of HCP members.
Looking back, April’s Drive and Dine was the first D&D of the year that provided members a chance to get their cars on the road. Eighteen Porsche’s made their way to Poughkeepsie to Dyson Racing and afterwards, an art studio in Woodstock and lunch at the acclaimed Mountain Brauhaus. Mid-month there was a strong turnout for the first autocross of the season at the McCarty Avenue parking lot. The gods were smiling on the Club- the weather for both events was perfect for getting out in a Porsche.
Looking forward, the calendar is full. May offers Cups and Saucers, the Club’s premier DE event, a Zone 1 rally and concours, 48 hours at Watkins Glen and a Drive and Dine to Cooperstown. The annual picnic, which is free to Club members, is slated for June 12th. Look for some great food provided by Shane’s Rib Shack, a people’s choice concours and the opportunity to support two worthwhile charities. June also puts the annual Porsche Parade in our backyard at Jay Peak, Vermont. If you haven’t registered for the event, there’s still the opportunity for a terrific day trip just to look around and take in the atmosphere.
More track, autocross and drive and dine events follow in July and August. Planning for the annual Fall Weekend Get-away is underway. Putting a different spin on the trip this year, the Club will travel to Philadelphia to take in the sights.
Keep checking the blog and your email for more details on these and other club events.
It was the club’s first visit to German Auto Parts, a long-time supplier of OEM parts for German vehicles as well as Volvos and Saabs. Following a meal provided by GAP, owner Mark Davidson described the wide variety of parts and supplies his business offers to meet virtually all the maintenance and repair needs of Porsche owners. After taking questions from members, Mark led them on a tour of the facility and its abundant inventory. A thanks to German Auto Parts for playing host.
The picnic will serve as June’s business and dinner meeting. The next Monday meeting is July 11th at New Country Porsche in Clifton Park. Because of July 4th, this meeting is on the second Monday of the month.