Update: May’s Overnight Drive and Dine to Placid and the Wild Center


Good news- all the more reason to consider what should be a great get-away to Lake Placid.  Contrary to info on the Wild Center website, the Wild Walk platform with its views of the Adirondacks will be open to Club members.  Reservations for the trip need to be made by May 5 so don’t hesitate.

May Drive & Dine – Saturday/Sunday May 13 & 14, 2017  

A weekend drive to Lake Placid staying at the High Peaks Resort with a side trip to the Wild Center.

Note: The event was to start at the McDonalds parking lot (Exit 15 of I-87).  The ride will now depart from the Dunkin Donuts lot which is across the street. Meet at 9 AM; leaving at 9:15 AM sharp.  We will head north Saturday morning through the picturesque mountains of the Adirondack Park arriving at the High Peaks Resort midday.  After checking in, there will be plenty of time to have lunch in town and explore the sights and shops before having dinner as a group at the High Peaks Resort ( http://www.highpeaksresort.com ). The following morning, we will have breakfast as a group and head to the Wild Center ( http://www.wildcenter.org/ )  for a great day in nature. 

Members will be responsible for making their own reservation by calling the hotel reservation desk (518-523-4411).  You must state that you are with the Hudson-Champlain Porsche Club to the reservation desk to get the group rate. 

After you have made your reservation, please email Louis Dahoda to let him know that you will be participating in the weekend getaway to Lake Placid ( Louis.dahoda@edwardjones.com ).

We will be staying for one night (Saturday), included in the package will be dinner Saturday and Sunday morning breakfast.  Single rate is $241.18 and double rate is $316.97. (all inclusive of tax)

Reservations must be made no later than May 5th.

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