Some Thoughts on Music… and our Blog


My wife Judith and I are new members of the family -we purchased our Porsche about a year ago- a 2005 Boxster S. It wasn’t until this May, about a month after our car came out of its winter hibernation that I got around to playing with the car’s sound system. It was, at first, an exercise in frustration. For some reason, I couldn’t get the CD player to accept a disc. I was at the point of beating it into submission with a mallet when I discovered the cause of the problem- the previous owner left a disc in the player. I hit the eject button and the disc slid out- a recording of the Carmina Burana. Truly a surprise. I never imagined cruising in a Porsche listening to twenty-four medieval poems set to a modern score by Carl Orff in the 1930’s. OK, maybe the Carmina is the most frequently performed piece of classical music; this still struck me as a very interesting and perhaps unusual choice of tunes for driving with the top down in a Boxster… and, it got me wondering about what other music rides around in the CD players of club members.

I’ll use my musings about music to introduce myself as the new communications director of the club. After a good bit of effort, our blog, Open Roads, is debuting on-line as both a blog and a monthly magazine.  While it will feature club events and programs, I’d like to introduce some content that’s a little different and I hope entertaining- starting with a feature on driving tunes. Here’s my request: leave me a reply on our blog or email me the titles of your favorite driving music. What songs would you include on a list of great music for cruising in a Porsche? If you have a favorite CD [maybe the Carmina Burana?], let me know. I’ll compile the results and put them in an article or a series of articles in future newsletters.   To get things started, let me offer three of my favorites, drawn from the world of rock and roll: Running Down a Dream by Tom Petty, David Lindley’s Mercury Blues and I’ve Got a Line on You by Spirit. They’re in my drop box to share.  If you’d like to check them out, let me know.

Many of you have heard me say I  volunteered to edit our publication because I wanted to give something back to a club that gives so much to us.  If you feel the same way about the club and are looking for a way to contribute, consider lending a hand with Open Roads.  I’ll send out emails now and then with ideas for stories; if any catch your fancy, hop on-board.  To those members who have already offered me their  support and some great content, I extend a deep thanks.

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